21x30 cm
mixed on plywood
MYTHO'S PORTRAITS - Work avaiable
Contact for infoMATER 1 description The Great Mother (and also Great Goddess, or Mother Goddess) is a primordial feminine deity, which is embodied in very different forms in a wide range of cultures, civilizations and populations of various areas of the world both in the Paleolithic period, thus involving civilizations hunter-gatherers, both in the Neolithic period, involving civilizations already centered on agriculture and animal breeding. As such, the Great Mother is embodied not only in figures of concrete goddesses, with their corresponding mythologies, but also in a wide range of symbols, which involve both the animal and the inanimate objects. It therefore expresses the interminated cycle of birth-development-maturity-decline-death-regeneration that characterizes both human lives and natural and cosmic cycles. The feminine is therefore a necessary mediating element between the human and the divine world. Regarding the temporal horizon, this intertwining between mythology and cosmology characterizes a very extended period that, at least in Europe, goes from 35,000 BC. at 3,000 a.C. about. Indeed, in some areas of the Mediterranean (Crete) the world of the Great Mother continues to remain until the 2nd millennium BC. forwarded. In any case, the figure of the Great Mother exercises profound influences also in religion and in the mythologies of all the Indo-European civilizations of the classical age, from the Latin to the Greek, from the Celtic to the Baltic, from the Germanic to the Slavic, with a decisive presence also in the formation of Indian religions and mythologies. The presence of the Great Mother cult would attest to the existence of matrifocal structures in the Palaeolithic and Neolithic civilizations: however there is no direct link, because many examples of classical civilizations continue to venerate figures of goddess expression of the Great Mother, also in presence of more or less strictly patriarchal societies.