27x32 cm

mixed on plywood


MYTHO'S PORTRAITS - Work avaiable

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PARTHENIAS description The Legend of the Siren Partenope, is narrated by Homer in the 12th canto of the Odyssey: Ulysses, known for his curiosity, wanted to hear at all costs the song of the sirens, which attracted the navigators with their angelic and melodious voices, for then kill them. Alerted by the sorceress Circe, the man took precautions: he ordered his men to put wax plugs in their ear and tied himself to the mast of his ship, forbidding his men to untie him. The idea had its effects, Ulysses did not fall prey to sweet sea creatures. The sirens were very bad and they committed suicide by crashing on the rocks. The siren Partenope, was carried by the sea currents just between the rocks of Megaride (where today stands Castel dell 'Ovo). There it was found by fishermen who venerated her as a goddess, once landed on the islet, the body of the siren dissolved turning into the morphology of the Neapolitan landscape, whose head is leaning to the east, on the Capodimonte hill and the foot, to the west, towards the promontory of Posillipo. Thus it became the protector of the place and gave its name to that small village. Since then, as if by "enchantment", the city, even after many centuries, continues to be called "Neapolitan city" and the beautiful Siren is its symbol, as has also been dedicated to a fountain at Piazza Sannazzaro. The myth is also found in the places surrounding the city, Capri is in fact considered the land of mermaids. Looking at it from the Gulf we can see the features of a female body with the head corresponding to Mount Tiberio, and the sides near Mount Solaro. Finally, the name of Parthenias is associated with that of the great poet Virgil, which will be discussed later.